Intentional Peace

The first of January is usually filled with visions of the changes we want to see to make in our lives. We often set resolutions for the year, as we think about things we’d like to improve. Sometimes we struggle with exactly what we want to shift, and sometimes we are overloaded with all the things we want to be different.

This January, I suggest you approach your intentions and resolutions from a different angle. Make PEACE your focus.

We usually feel peace about something when we feel harmony about it, when there is no annoyance, strife, or anxiety about it; we are at peace when the energy is tranquil, and we are at ease. This is an internal feeling, no matter the circumstances surrounding it.

Attaining peace is something different for each of us – what may be bring me peace will be something different than what brings you peace, which will be something different from what brings your neighbor peace.

Our lives circle around what brings us peace at different times. Scan your life right now and ask yourself about every situation in which you are involved, are you in peace in this area of your life? If not, what will it take to create peace there? Use this list as a good start on your intentions and resolutions for the upcoming year and beyond!

* To help identify where to create peace, ask yourself the following questions:*

1) Do my current relationships bring me peace? Which ones do and which ones don’t? What can I change about this?

2) Am I at peace with how my body looks and moves?

3) Does my career bring peace to my soul?

4) What areas of my past do I need to resolve in order to feel peaceful about those experiences? How do I do it?

5) In the upcoming year, how can I bring in more peace?

Looking for answers to your own questions? Find out more about how I can help you:

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