Watering Dirt

As an avid gardener, I spend many days watering dirt.  I’ve planted seeds in the soil, unseen from the surface, just waiting to pop up and sprout when the time is right. Only the seed knows when the time is right – the temperature of the soil needs to be warm enough, the water content must adequate, there must be enough sunlight, no predators have sabotaged my efforts, and that little Gods-park in each seed needs to be alive in order for the miracle to occur.

My job is to choose the right seed, pick a good location, water it daily, keep away predators, and practice daily faith and trust that the seed will sprout. Some seeds sprout earlier than expected, (others take much longer than predicted), but only the seed knows when the time is right. I can only trust that what I’m doing will eventually provide the results I intend.

As we move along on our spiritual journey, we can see that life is a lot like planting seeds. We have the seeds (our dreams), and we must:

1. Select the seeds wisely (decide what you really want).

2. Plant the seeds in a good location (stay away from negative situations).

3. Give them water to grow (feed them with your heart-felt emotions).

4. Provide sunlight (give them positive energy).

5. Protect them from predators (do not share your dreams with people who will sabotage them or make you doubt yourself).

6. Practice faith and trust (know that you have done everything possible for these dreams to grow, and stay in that faith).

7. Water the dirt daily (after your initial enthusiasm, be sure to keep your faith strong daily through your emotions, and know in your heart that your dreams will sprout and thrive).

Step into the next chapter of your life like a gardener approaches fresh plowed soil. Your life is full of potential, just waiting for you to select your dreams, practice patience, and grow your intentions as you create your new future. Now go water some dirt!

–Angela Boswell. Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved.


Sometimes we give up on our dreams (and ourselves) just before our seeds sprout! It’s important to diligently feed ourselves with positive energy, stay aligned with heartfelt emotions, and trust that everything is going to work out for our best benefit. The following questions are designed to help you stay faithful while you wait for your dreams to manifest:

Ask Yourself:

1. How does worry and lack of faith stop me from believing in my dreams?

2. Do I criticize myself and judge myself harshly when I feel like I’ve failed?

3. Do I care what others think of my behavior and beliefs? Does this limit me?

4. Do my emotions control me, instead of me controlling them?

5. How can I shift my thought patterns so I only focus on beneficial outcomes?

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