The Present of Staying Present

In today’s world, we can easily get distracted.  Everywhere we look we are bombarded by all types of noise.  We receive spam messages in our texts, emails, and phone calls.  We go to social media to be entertained, educated, and to connect with loved ones, and yet we are bombarded by ads and suggested videos.  We search for information to help us create opinions of the world around us, and yet we are surrounded by exaggerated scenarios, news with agendas, and half-truths to sway our thoughts.  We can be so easily distracted by all the noise that we forget who we are and the true life we are experiencing.  The only way to transcend it is to stay present – not moving our thoughts into the past of “what was” or the future of “what may be”, but by intentionally focusing on “what is, right now”.
We can only shift into the present moment when we become aware that we are distracted and not paying attention to what is right in front of us.  When do these moments happen to you?  Perhaps you are outraged by something someone said and you replay it over and over in your head, and each time you replay it, you get angrier.  Or you spend more time on social media than you intended and then you frantically try to catch up on your work.  Or you may spend time reminiscing over the past and regretting you can’t change it.  Whatever the situation may be, when you realize you are not being present, there are three techniques you can practice shifting your focus back to the present moment:
First, draw your attention to your breath, and follow it into your lungs and then back out of your body.
Second, remind yourself of three things you know are true about you and your life right now in this moment.
Third, remove yourself from all distractions and walk outside.  Focus on one thing in nature – a bird, a leaf, a flower, or a cloud. Feel yourself grounded into the earth and remember the beauty of life.
By staying present in the moment, we are fully experiencing life, we are not wasting our precious time, or handing our attention and power to others. Staying present is a gift we can give ourselves.

Ask yourself the following questions:
1)  How often do I get distracted from something that is important to me?
2)  How often do I really listen to what the people around me are saying?
3)  Do I ever get caught up in what “should have been” instead of what is happening right now?
4)  How can I focus on what is important to me and not get swayed into what is important to those around me?
5)  How can I be an example to help my loved ones stay present in their lives?

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~Copyright 2023. Angela Boswell. All Rights Reserved.


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