Building Personal Power

Although I provide intuitive readings for a living, I find that during those sessions, the conversation circles around personal power. I talk with clients about creating and managing boundaries, and how to improve their self-esteem; I give them encouragement to make changes in their lives, and sometimes I even help them change how they see themselves. Maybe it’s because I’m driven to provide more than just psychic information, I want them to have happy and fulfilled lives.

From what I’ve witnessed, much of our unhappiness comes from a lack of personal power.  This is the power we each have over ourselves. It’s the power to choose differently, the power to be honest, the power to face our fears, and the power to recognize our strengths and use them to build our self-confidence. I also believe that our personal power is fluid, it shifts and changes during the various times and circumstances in our lives.  What helped us to feel powerful and confident in any given situation in our past will not necessarily transfer to how we can feel powerful today.

Personal power is built from the inside. There is nothing outside of us that can help us to feel emotionally strong and stable – no amount of money, good looks, success, or social approval. We must feel it within our souls – and we definitely know when we don’t feel it.

In the video below, I suggest an exercise to start questioning your own personal power. I plan to provide tips and tools for building personal power, managing boundaries, increasing self-esteem, making good decisions, and creating clarity on my Instagram and Facebook pages, please join me there by searching for @angelaeboswell, (I’m wearing a pink shirt).

~ Angela Boswell

My Video on Personal Power – click here

Click on the video above to hear about how I’m going to provide information on boundaries and building personal power.

Do the Work!  An August Worksheet

Ask yourself the following questions:

1. How powerful do I feel around other people?

2. What makes me feel more powerful and what makes me feel less powerful?

3. Am I comfortable speaking my truth in all situations?

4. When do I have a hard time saying “No” to someone?

5. What are some ways I can practice saying “No” to the things I don’t want to do?

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