No Answers from the Ethers

Have you ever asked your Higher Power for an answer, and nothing came?  Sometimes, we just can’t get answers from the ethers. We search, we pray, we meditate, we get readings, we ask others, we beg for answers, and no answers come.  We may be asking questions like: “Why did I get fired?”, “Why did my friend die?”, “How am I supposed to move forward?”, “When will I be in love again?”.  We search to understand our struggles, hoping to make sense of our pain and confusion – there must be some REASON why we are having this experience, right? Perhaps we believe that if there is a reason, we can logically set aside our emotions and focus on the result. But still, sometimes, no answers come.
Noticing your behavior during these times helps you to honestly see what you believe – do you step into faith?  Or do you double-down on control? Do you have hope?  Or do you become cynical and fearful?  How do you handle not-knowing?  Is this something you want to change?
Here are 7 reasons why you may not be getting answers:

  • You are in the middle of an experience, if you knew the answer, you may alter your actions and the experience has a negative outcome.
  • You may not know it, but you are waiting for someone else to make a decision that will affect you, and you have to wait for it to happen.
  • It is not a question that can be easily answered, or is subjective, such as “When will I be happy?”
  • You are getting an answer, but it is not what you want to hear, so you are ignoring it.
  • Things are about to change drastically, and your answer to that question won’t matter.
  • You don’t like who delivered the answer, or how they delivered it, so you doubt it.
  • You are not asking the right question, or you are not asking it the right way. Sometimes you need to be more specific or ask the question from a different viewpoint.

The best advice is to take a deep breath, and just wait. Find something else to keep your mind occupied for awhile. Accept that you may not get an answer, but just need to wait until the situation shifts. Sometimes, not receiving an answer is the best thing for us, because the outcome is something much better than what we could have imagined.

Do the Work!  A September Worksheet

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What techniques do I use to get answers to my questions?
  2. What is my first reaction when I don’t get an answer?
  3. How do I feel when I don’t get answers?
  4. Do I have faith that sometimes I can’t know everything?
  5. How can I be at peace with the unknown?

~ Copyright 2023. Angela Boswell. All rights reserved.

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