October Energy – A Rolling Rock

Energy Update – October 2023

Welcome to Autumn! It’s time to harvest what we’ve sown. This will start to show up in our relationships, then move into health and work.

September was like moving a rock up a mountain, and stopping every once in a while to take a break. Some days the rock was heavier and harder to push than other days. Some days you get little opportunity, like little rain showers that cooled you while pushing the rock. But each day you persisted.

Now imagine that October is when you reach the top of the mountain, and the rock starts to roll down quickly. It doesn’t roll straight, but rather bounces along, making dents in the dirt, and its path getting altered by other rocks and trees in its way. It’s a rollercoaster of energy and it all starts the first week of October.

The energy can be nice and soothing, or it can be unbalanced, jarring, and chaotic. You may also doubt what you believe, and feel pulled back and forth between what you want and what you have, how you think and how you feel, the past and the future, and the seen and the unseen.

The first part of the month is filled with high energy and will bring up issues around control, manipulations, and ultimatums. You may also feel bullied and rebel against people trying to control you. Be sure to pick your battles wisely.

In the second part of the month, you may experience some surprises in your relationships. As some people may show up out of the blue to help you, you may also find out that not everyone around you has your best interests at heart. Keep your eyes and ears open as truth is revealed.

Think of the rock rolling down the mountain as a metaphor for this month. The rock may squish some things that you thought were going to turn out, and it may open up new routes for you, too. It’s time to just let things happen and play out, be the unattached observer and monitor how everything unfolds. Try not to get too invested in any outcomes as the energy is getting readjusted to the intentions you set early this year and throughout the summer months. In November, the rock will be at the bottom of the mountain and you can evaluate things from there.

Important Dates in October in 2023:

October 14th – New Moon in (Solar Eclipse) in Libra: Focus on the future and hyperfocus on those things you really like to do. Play to your strengths, and enjoy the company of friends and family.

October 28th – Full Moon (Blood Moon & Lunar Eclipse) in Taurus: Try to stay out of confrontations during this time, it’s easier to avoid situations than to try to remedy them later. This eclipse highlights your approach to how you handle change. It will bring up any areas where you feel conflicted so you can see it clearly and make good decisions.

Want to know more? Join my private lifestyle community or book a personal session with me: www.AngelaBoswell.com

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