Living in a Culture of Doubt

I’ve noticed that in today’s world we are doubting everything we see, hear, watch, and read.  It’s a popular thing to do.  We doubt what politicians are saying, we doubt what the news is reporting, we doubt what’s in our food, we doubt our economy will last, we doubt our school systems are effective, we doubt our friends are really our friends, we doubt just about everything.

So what do we believe?  What do you believe?

Do we spend any time focusing on what we believe?  In the past, I’ve written about changing our personal reality by changing our focus.  Maybe it’s time to focus on what we believe in instead of what we doubt.  By creating an intentional belief system, we can shift our reality into the more stable energy of faith rather than disbelief.

Start your list of beliefs by what you are personally experiencing. In your day-to-day life, what is it like for you? What do you personally know to be true?  About yourself?  About your family? About your job?  About your neighbors?  About your political position?  About your community and your school?  About the food you eat?  About your future?  About your hopes and dreams?

Getting caught up in the doubt-culture does nothing to help you heal and grow, it only perpetuates the energy of victimhood and insecurity.  Shift out of this energy by focusing on what you believe in, not what you doubt. Create your list of truths by what you personally experience, not by what you are being told, or encouraged to believe.  We all have the power to create our personal reality, and the energy of faith is much stronger than the energy of doubt.

Spend some time this month getting clear on what is true for you, without a doubt.

Do the Work! Ask yourself the following questions:

1. What are 10 things I know without a doubt are true for me?

2. Do I trust my own experiences more than what people tell me is true?

3. Do I believe the world is out to trick me, or do I move confidently in the world?

4. Who and what can I count on, always?

5. How can I keep an open mind and yet keep my truths strong, too?

Want to learn more about yourself and your spiritual journey? Visit my website for more information and resources, and book a session with me!

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